This blog is going to be an outlet to share my many endeavors/bad ideas. Whether it be a tale of attempting to abscond with a cement deer to learning woodcarving and carpentry. As my funds are currently non-existent it will mostly be tales of past mischief while I save up to get supplies and equipment (a digital camera for instance)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Apparently my old DeviantArt account still exists despite the fact that I haven't logged in in about 4 years. So I've decided to share some of my old duct tape creations.

This is the first purse I made. I've probably made about 8 since. It zipped closed and also had a zippered pocket inside.

I didn't know it was my friend's birthday (because she never told me when it was) so I made her this card in my history class.

Some of the first things I made were a hat and pair of gloves that ended up changing colour frequently. I ended up taping them to a 2 liter bottle to make Dewey. The hat was also one of the few things I used something other than tape, zippers, and wire for. The bill is some cardboard from an empty 12 pack.

Made myself a backpack junior year. It's compartmentalized inside. Used n old pen for the latching mechanism, the rest is tape.

Cosplay for the second annual Anizonia, an anime con in Phoenix, AZ. Gloves, hat, and tunic are 100% tape. Also made a working bow and arrow out of a thin piece of wood, a dowel rod, and some twine. IT was accurate to about 40 ft. Later that year I went to Anime Expo with Vash's trenchcoat from Trigun made completely of duct tape, but I don't have any pics of it.

My wallet for about a 3 year period. It was originally silver. It's also been purple, black, blue, camo, orange, and pure red.


  1. The mt. dew is great! Keep it up, I'll be around.

  2. lol that mountain dew made me laugh, do you sell any of your stuff?

  3. I think Dewey is my favorite of the set. The name is what clinched it.

  4. i think the bag looks nice while you could just have thrown it in the garbage... way to go ! a good step in the right direction.

  5. haha sweet pics...(i like the commie one). ill follow you

  6. Pirate card is awesome wish my friends would give me cool card like that.

  7. lol cute man purse you have there:D

  8. very crafty of you, some cute things in there

  9. lol, good stuff. Pretty creative.

  10. Duct tape art is cool. I was just thinking about decorating my white kitchen cupboards with some black tape.

  11. Deviant art is a great site to post your work. I post mine there as well.

  12. Those are all pretty sweet. I'm bummed that you don't have any pics of your Vash outfit :(

  13. Mountain dew used to be my addiction

  14. aaah I want a duct tape do you do it?

  15. duct tape clothes are an interesting concept

  16. lookin good man lol ;)
